Request a Return

See our full Returns Policy here. Read on to start the return process now.

If you purchased from another platform (eBay, Amazon), from a masjid/shop, you're a distributor/reseller, or you have exceeded the 30 day return window, skip to the "Prepare Your Parcel" section below.

If you purchased directly from this website, and have not exceeded 30 days from the purchase date, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account:
    a)  Click the profile icon in the store's navigation, or you can click here.
    b)  In the Email field, enter your email address, and then click Continue.
    c)  Check your inbox for an email sent from us and copy the six-digit code.
    d)  Go back to the online store, enter the code, then click Submit.
  2. Click the order that you want to submit the return for.
  3. If your order has more than one item, then select the items that you want to return.
  4. Select a return reason and add a note for us with any additional details.
  5. Click Request return.

If your return request is approved, you'll receive an email. Follow the steps below to ensure your parcel is prepared correctly and arrives safely.

Prepare Your Parcel

  1. Print our Returns Form here, fill as accurately as you can and enclose it within your parcel - the more detail you provide, the quicker your return is processed.
  2. Item(s) should be in original condition, including all accessories, and in original packaging (or additional packaging if needed), to ensure safe delivery.
  3. Print your own return label and attach it to the package. Cover or remove any old shipping labels.
  4. If a collection has been arranged for your return, please ensure the courier can access your property easily and that there is somebody at the property to accept the collection.
  5. Keep your proof of postage until we have confirmed receipt of your parcel.

Send returns to:

MMR Returns

195 Derby St